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LCD Display Night Vision (NVIS) Design and Integration | AG Displays Blog

Since our establishment in 2007, AGDisplays has been a trusted partner for Military, Aerospace, and other rugged industries. We specialize in providing military-standard night vision compatible display integrations designed to withstand extreme rugged and all-weather environments. Our solutions are ideal for settings that require optimal performance in both low-light and high-bright conditions.

When delving into night vision solutions, we meticulously assess critical factors such as light dimming, low nit capabilities, LCD readability, and real-time compatibility with other night vision equipment. Each LCD design we create is unique to the customer, tailored to their specific project requirements. Our experienced team carefully evaluates every aspect of our night vision solution, making adjustments as needed to ensure a seamless integration.

Integrating high-quality components allows us to offer flexibility in functionality while upholding the design integrity and enhancing the specifications of your display. Our ultimate goal is to maximize your display’s lifecycle in the field, considering the strengths and limitations of each component within the overall build. While we strive to ruggedize every aspect of your project, we understand that LCD parts may eventually wear down or fail over time. In such cases, we provide customized military and industrial repair programs that cater to your specific needs, offering comprehensive LCD maintenance, repair, and replacements to keep your displays operating at their best. With AGDisplays, you can rely on our expertise to deliver top-notch night vision solutions and exceptional support for the lifespan of your displays.

We invite you to check out our website for more info with the link below: https://agdisplays.com/services/nvis-design-integration