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Custom Screen Print & Glass | AG Displays Blog

AGDisplays provides a comprehensive screen print and glass service, elevating the appearance of your display with a polished and professional finish. We offer a hardened glass/touchscreen configuration, offering various ink options for personalized logo customizations. Our custom branding ensures that your product stands out with a unique and distinctive touch.

Our screen print applications cover a wide range of elements, including display and touch panels, icons, lettering, logos, gauges, instrumentation, and more. By applying ink through a mesh screen, we achieve precise and crisp custom images or borders. Whether your application requires ultra-thin glass for lightweight setups or thick and heavy glass for rugged environments, AGDisplays collaborates with various types of glass and substrate options to suit the specific needs of your display’s environment.

Our printing process is clean and efficient, guaranteeing a high level of printing precision. Depending on project specifications, we employ either a semi-automatic or automated printer within a Class 1000 or 10,000 clean room. This ensures the utmost quality and cleanliness for your screen printing requirements. Furthermore, we offer customized color matching to precisely meet your specifications.

The screen printing process involves applying ink through a mesh screen, creating the desired image, and then curing the ink to bond it firmly to the substrate. This cost-effective method provides a durable and vibrant print, offering more flexibility in terms of ink colors and thicknesses. It is commonly used for printing on cover glass, display glass, and EMI shielding. At AGDisplays, we offer frit or epoxy/polyester inks for your printing needs, ensuring a reliable and effective screen printing solution.

We invite you to check out our website for more info with the link below:
