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Increasing Lifespan Of Marine LCD Displays

Increasing Lifespan Of Marine LCD Displays

Electronics and display life expectancy can vary between brands and environmental condition. No one boat owner can agree upon the best brand to purchase for long use of their electronics. One thing is for certain, all agree that maintenance and...
Common Problems With Marine LCD Displays

Common Problems With Marine LCD Displays

Designing an LCD system should consider every element of the application’s environment so that integrating protection can create a system that keeps electronic repairs at bay. Consider the following environmental challenges before designing your marine LCD system.  1...
NVIS Inside and Out

NVIS Inside and Out

A standard LCD screen has potential applications that are more expansive than any engineer could have imagined. The Goldilocks approach to LCD manufacturing has, however, limited the amount of out-of-the-box possibilities for many standardized models, and left some...

The Advancement of Aviation Displays

The history of aviation in America is one of accelerating technology and extreme risk. Flight is the safest way to travel and for some, the most frightening, It’s every possible precaution and a little prayer. And while the early pioneers were lauded as heroes and...
The Diamond of AGDisplays

The Diamond of AGDisplays

AGDisplays is celebrating our tenth year of business this month, and like any great decade, the nostalgic growing pains of our youth are giving way to a new confidence and relationships built on higher and higher standards. What began in 2007 as a small venture to...